Do I Need a Social Media Lawyer to File a Lawsuit Against a Platform?

Do I Need a Social Media Lawyer to File a Lawsuit Against a Platform?

Tech giants behind popular social media platforms like Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, and others skillfully and deceptively designed their products to hook young people to their platforms and, in the process, created a mental health crisis among our youth. If you or your child suffered mental health consequences from using social media, a social media lawyer can help you recover compensation through a lawsuit. 

The huge corporations behind these social media platforms have deep pockets and a vast pool of lawyers defending them against lawsuits. If you want to hold these tech giants accountable, you need a lawyer experienced in mass tort law who is not afraid to go up against these tech giants. Research shows that people who retain the services of a product liability lawyer recover substantially more compensation than those who do not.

Why Are People Filing Social Media Lawsuits?

Today’s adolescents are the first generation to grow up entirely in the digital age and alongside social media platforms. Facebook and Instagram, owned by Meta Platforms, Inc., are among the most popular social networking sites, with nearly 5 billion monthly active users combined. An estimated 9 out of 10 teenagers say they have used social media. A Pew Research Center survey found that 45% of high school students admit they’re online almost constantly.

Social media platforms have a captive audience among our kids, and that comes with a huge responsibility to keep them safe from harm. Unfortunately, these platforms used addictive psychological tactics to increase usage among adolescents, teens, and young adults, and changed their algorithms to unethically collect their data. As they addicted our children to social media, they sent children spiraling into an emotionally dangerous abyss. Meanwhile, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, and other social media platforms raked in billions.

Those who these platforms harmed are filing social media lawsuits seeking to hold these tech giants accountable for failing to protect our vulnerable children.

What Symptoms Are Associated With Social Media Use? 

Mental health symptoms associated with social media use among adolescents, teenagers, and young adults include: 

  • Anxiety
  • Obsessive thoughts
  • Depression
  • Eating disorders, including anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating
  • Negative body image
  • Self-harm
  • Suicidal thoughts, attempted suicide, suicide

If you or a loved one is in immediate danger, call 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or Text TALK to 741741.

How Can a Social Media Attorney Help Me With My Lawsuit? 

A lawyer can assist with your social media claim in several ways: 

Knowledge of mass tort litigation

Mass tort cases involve a large number of plaintiffs with similar claims against a common defendant or defendants. Social media youth harm lawsuits present special challenges because they target billion-dollar tech companies that employ teams of lawyers to defend them. Holding them accountable takes a keen understanding of media law and legal issues. An attorney with experience handling mass tort litigation will understand the unique challenges these cases pose and can effectively navigate the complexities.

Resources and expertise

Taking on social media giants requires significant resources. You need a law firm with access to mental health, media law, and technology experts, who can discuss the tactics and algorithms these social media platforms use to lure in our youth and the detrimental effects they had on them.

Because these huge tech companies have deep pockets, they have plenty of money to pay lawyers to protect their interests—and their profits. Our mass tort lawyers are not intimidated by them. In fact, we welcome the opportunity to shed light on their devious actions and make them pay for the harm they have caused our children.

Case assessment and strategy

Our lawyers offer free consultations and case evaluations, during which we can assess the strengths and weaknesses of your case. If your social media case is viable, we can develop a comprehensive legal strategy tailored to the mass tort. We will identify the best jurisdiction to file your social media lawsuit and coordinate with other plaintiffs' lawyers. We will secure the best possible outcome for you and all the plaintiffs involved in the social media mass tort. 

Keeping you informed

Mass tort cases can cause anxiety and stress for clients. Regular updates and clear communication from the lawyer can alleviate some of this stress by providing reassurance and clarity about your case's status and progress. Throughout the course of the mass tort case, you may need to make critical decisions about settlement offers or other legal developments. Well-informed clients are better equipped to make sound decisions that align with their best interests.

Negotiation skills

Mass tort lawyers possess unique negotiation skills essential for navigating the complexities of mass tort cases and achieving favorable outcomes for their clients. In some cases, they may represent a significant number of affected individuals, giving them substantial negotiation leverage against defendants or their insurers. This leverage can lead to more favorable settlement offers and, in some cases, even drive defendants to seek global resolutions to avoid time-consuming and costly litigation.

Courtroom experience

In mass tort cases, with their high stakes, hiring a lawyer with courtroom experience provides a significant advantage. For starters, complex and contentious mass tort cases involve numerous plaintiffs and defendants. While many of these cases settle before trial, some may go to court. A lawyer with courtroom experience has firsthand knowledge of the dynamics and strategies involved in the courtroom setting. This experience helps them develop a more effective litigation strategy from the outset of the case, considering potential challenges and anticipating the tactics of the opposing counsel. 

An attorney with courtroom experience can take the case to trial if necessary. This readiness can give the attorney an advantage during negotiations and settlement discussions, as opposing parties know they will present a compelling case before a judge and jury.

Understanding of settlement structures 

If a mass tort case does reach the settlement stage, a lawyer with courtroom experience can better evaluate the fairness and adequacy of settlement offers. They can assess how the offer compares to what they could achieve in court, providing valuable insights to their clients when making decisions about accepting or rejecting settlement proposals.

Contact an Experienced Social Media Lawyer Today

If you or your child suffered from anxiety, depression, an eating disorder, or suicidality due to the use of social media, you may hold these tech giants accountable through a social media youth harm lawsuit. Lawyers at our firm have extensive experience handling mass tort claims. Call us today at 866-467-0943 or complete our online contact form for your free consultation, and let us discuss your legal options. 


Matthew Dolman

Personal Injury Lawyer

This article was written and reviewed by Matthew Dolman. Matt has been a practicing civil trial, personal injury, products liability, and mass tort lawyer since 2004. He has represented over 11,000 injury victims and has served as lead counsel in over 1000 lawsuits. Matt is a lifetime member of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum and Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum for resolving individual cases in excess of $1 million and $2 million, respectively. He has also been selected by his colleagues as a Florida Superlawyer and as a member of Florida’s Legal Elite on multiple occasions. Further, Matt has been quoted in the media numerous times and is a sought-after speaker on a variety of legal issues and topics.

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