Paraquat Lawsuit: Parkinson’s Lawsuit Settlements (February 2025 Update)

Legally Reviewed

Matthew Dolman has written and reviewed this article for legal accuracy and clarity. Matthew has been a licensed attorney for twenty (20) years, has represented over ten thousand clients, and has collected over $250,000,000.00 in compensation for injury victims. Additionally, he has been representing individuals impacted by Paraquat exposure since the beginning of this lawsuit. Matthew is a veteran mass torts lawyer and his firm serves in leadership in various multidistrict litigation. The Dolman Law Group has been directly involved in the Paraquat Parkinson's Disease Lawsuit, and our goal remains to provide the most up-to-date information on this case.


Lawsuit Legal News does everything possible to ensure this article's information is up-to-date and accurate. If you need specific legal advice about your case, contact us. This article should not be taken as advice from an attorney.

The Paraquat Lawsuit is an ACTIVE Lawsuit

Chances are good that Parkinson's disease affects you or someone you know. Some medical conditions involve genetic factors, but scientists have linked many illnesses, like Parkinson's disease, to environmental causes.

Specifically, recent studies have linked Parkinson's disease to chemical exposure. People exposed to Paraquat, a toxic herbicide, are filing paraquat lawsuits claiming their exposure to this chemical caused their Parkinson's disease. 

If you or someone you know were exposed to paraquat herbicide and doctors subsequently reached a diagnosis of Parkinson's disease or another serious health complication, contact our Paraquat Parkinson's disease legal team today. You may have legal grounds to bring a paraquat Parkinson's disease lawsuit and request compensation for your related financial losses. Chevron and Syngenta must be liable for Parkinson's disease caused by Paraquat exposure.

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Recent Updates February 2025

Bookmark this page to stay up-to-date on all the latest information regarding the Paraquat Lawsuits.

February 1, 2025 - Paraquat MDL Update: 5,825 Active Cases, New Lawsuits Filed, and EPA Review Ongoing

The MDL now comprises 5,825 active lawsuits, reflecting a slight decrease from the previous month due to the dismissal of 10 cases in December 2024. Special Master Randy Ellis recommended the dismissal of 47 cases where plaintiffs failed to submit the required Plaintiff Assessment Questionnaires (PAQs) despite multiple opportunities to do so.

Two new lawsuits were filed in the MDL. One involves a Maryland resident who alleges that prolonged exposure to Paraquat during his work as a chemical applicator led to the development of Parkinson’s disease. The second case was filed by the family of a New York woman who was exposed to Paraquat on a family-owned farm and later developed Parkinson’s disease, leading to her death in 2023.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is reviewing studies on Paraquat's safety, with a final report expected soon. This review was prompted by a lawsuit and ongoing concerns about the herbicide's potential link to Parkinson's disease.

January 1, 2025 - Paraquat Lawsuits Grow Amid Expert Testimony Challenges and New Scientific Findings

As of January 2025, the multidistrict litigation (MDL No. 3004) concerning Paraquat—a widely used herbicide—has expanded to include 5,835 pending cases, reflecting a consistent rise in legal actions alleging a link between Paraquat exposure and Parkinson's disease.

In recent developments, Martin Wells, the plaintiffs' primary expert witness on general causation, was excluded from testifying in federal and California state courts. Judges deemed his methodology unreliable, posing significant challenges for the plaintiffs in establishing that Paraquat can cause Parkinson's disease.

On the scientific front, a study conducted by UCLA Health in California found that individuals with Parkinson's disease had higher exposure to Paraquat, supporting claims of its potential link to the disease.

Additionally, a Congressional briefing highlighted the severe health risks associated with Paraquat, including its potential connection to Parkinson's disease, intensifying calls for regulatory action.

Despite these concerns, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has maintained its approval of Paraquat, stating that "Parkinson's Disease is not an expected health outcome of pesticidal use of paraquat."

The ongoing litigation and emerging studies fuel the debate over Paraquat's safety, with significant implications for public health policies and agricultural practices.

Increase in Filed Cases

The number of lawsuits involving paraquat continues to grow. As of November 2024, 5,818 paraquat lawsuits were pending, and 7,115 cases were filed in Illinois federal court.

Recent Legal Actions

On November 12, 2024, a wrongful death lawsuit was filed in the paraquat multidistrict litigation (MDL). The family of a Virginia agricultural worker alleges that repeated exposure to paraquat caused the decedent to develop Parkinson's disease, ultimately leading to his death.

November 1, 2024 - New Order Enforces Proof of Exposure Rules for All Plaintiffs in Paraquat MDL

In the latest Paraquat MDL order, the court clarified that Case Management Order (CMO) No. 21, issued in February, applies to all plaintiffs in the MDL, including those who joined after the order was issued. CMO 21 requires plaintiffs to gather documents from third parties, like employers or medical providers, to show proof of Paraquat exposure. This rule aims to help plaintiffs assess their claims and filter out weaker cases.

Recently, defendants identified 586 plaintiffs who did not follow these rules and requested the court issue a show-cause order. In response, the court’s new CMO No. 21A filed October 28, 2024, grants plaintiffs listed as non-compliant 21 days to meet these requirements, or their cases could be dismissed. For future cases, new plaintiffs must issue subpoenas within 60 days of filing, meet deadlines for document collection, and upload records to a designated portal. This new structure is designed to streamline the litigation and ensure each claim has proper support.

October 1, 2024 - Paraquat Lawsuits Back on Track: 10 New Bellwether Cases Move Forward as Parkinson’s Disease Claims Rise

There have been several key updates on the ongoing Paraquat lawsuits, particularly regarding its alleged link to Parkinson’s disease. As of October 2024, 5,891 active lawsuits are pending in the Paraquat MDL (multidistrict litigation), with 6,959 cases filed in Illinois federal court. This MDL, taking place in the Southern District of Illinois under Judge Nancy Rosenstengel, saw a significant development when ten new bellwether cases were selected to move into discovery, replacing four cases dismissed earlier in the year due to expert testimony issues.

The litigation slowed for a few months after the dismissal of key expert testimony; however, things are picking back up with these new cases expected to proceed to depositions by November 2024. These lawsuits continue to allege that exposure to the herbicide Paraquat caused or significantly contributed to Parkinson’s disease in agricultural workers and others exposed to the chemical.

September 1, 2024 - Court Partially Overrules Special Master’s Recommendation in Paraquat MDL, Preserves Key Cases

In the Paraquat Products Liability Litigation (MDL 3004), Chief Judge Nancy J. Rosenstengel issued an order on August 28, 2024, that partially adopts and partially overrules a Special Master's Report and Recommendation regarding the dismissal of some instances for noncompliance with a Case Management Order (CMO 10).

Key Points of the Order:

  1. Special Master's Role and Recommendation:
    • The Special Master, Randi S. Ellis, recommended the dismissal of 137 cases without prejudice because the plaintiffs in those cases did not comply with their obligations under CMO 10. Specifically, these plaintiffs failed to submit a Plaintiff Assessment Questionnaire (PAQ) within the required timeframes.
  2. Plaintiffs’ Objections:
    • Out of the 137 cases, ten plaintiffs objected to the Special Master's recommendation. However, four cases were voluntarily dismissed after the report was filed, leaving six cases with active objections.
    • The court reviewed these objections, which included reasons such as law firm staffing changes, miscommunication, and procedural errors that led to delays in PAQ submissions.
  3. Court’s Decision:
    • After reviewing the objections, the court found that the plaintiffs in the six remaining cases either cured their PAQ deficiencies or were erroneously included in the Special Master's recommendation. As a result, the court overruled the recommendation to dismiss these six cases.
    • However, the court adopted the Special Master's recommendation to dismiss the remaining 127 cases without prejudice because those plaintiffs did not object to the dismissal or comply with CMO 10.


  • Dismissal Without Prejudice: The dismissals are "without prejudice," meaning the plaintiffs in the dismissed cases could potentially refile their lawsuits if they comply with the necessary procedural requirements.
  • Importance of Compliance: This order underscores the importance of adhering to court-mandated procedures and deadlines in complex litigation like the Paraquat MDL. Noncompliance can lead to dismissal, even without prejudice, which could significantly delay or complicate a plaintiff's pursuit of their claims.

This decision helps streamline the litigation by addressing noncompliant cases while allowing those who have rectified their procedural issues to continue moving forward in the MDL.

August 24, 2024 - British Columbia Supreme Court Certifies Paraquat Class Action Lawsuit in Canada

The British Columbia Supreme Court certifies a Canadian class action lawsuit for individuals diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. More specifically, the lawsuit allows any Canadian citizen diagnosed with Parkinson's disease following the use of the weed killer known as Paraquat. It will be interesting to see how the lawsuit proceeds and fares in Canada, as this will be another venue to judge how a jury will weigh the scientific evidence.
We plan to keep our readers up to date on the Canadian Paraquat class action lawsuit in the future.

August 16, 2024 - Paraquat Parkinson's Lawsuit Plaintiff Steering Committee Sends Letter to all Plaintiffs

Members of the plaintiff's steering committee (PSC) in the Paraquat lawsuit sent a letter to all plaintiffs in the Paraquat litigation advising them of updates in the lawsuit. These include:

  • Like the MDL, ten Paraquat lawsuits have been selected as bellwether cases in Pennsylvania state court litigation in the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas. The first Paraquat bellwether trial is set for next April (April 2025) in Philadelphia. Both plaintiffs and defendants are busy completing discovery for all bellwether cases, with a deadline for September 4, 2024.
  • The Paraquat plaintiff's lawyers in Delaware are amending their complaints as a partial summary motion to dismiss without prejudice was granted. This is easily curable and will not inhibit the ongoing Paraquat litigation.
  • The PSC provided a thorough update of the bellwether cases selected in the MDL, as discussed below.

We believe a Paraquat settlement is on the horizon, and the Pennsylvania state court litigation will force Syngenta to the table. Based on the history of Roundup litigation in Philadelphia, individual Paraquat lawsuits pose significant exposure to Syngenta.

Additionally, any bellwether test trial is likely to occur in Philadelphia first before any cases from the MDL, placing additional pressure on Syngenta. The defense bar considers Philadelphia America's biggest "judicial hellhole." Paraquat defendants will likely pay a premium in the Philly lawsuits.

August 12, 2024 - Ten Cases Picked by Judge as Potential Bellwether Trials

Judge Nancy Rosenstengel has selected ten cases for potential bellwether trials. Keep in mind that the Paraquat lawsuit MDL has been void of activity since April, when Judge Rosenstengel excluded a primary plaintiff expert and forced the plaintiffs to dismiss many of their weakest cases (drift cases—cases wherein the claimant alleged to have sustained exposure to Paraquat that had drifted airborne onto their property after spraying was conducted on adjacent land). The scientific causation is sound only in direct exposure cases.

In April, Judge Rosenstengel dismissed each of the four initial cases plaintiffs had hand-selected for bellwether trials. The Judge took issue with specific Paraquat attorneys for filing drift cases (i.e., indirect exposure wherein the claimant lived near the property where the highly toxic herbicide was sprayed.

Judge Rosenstengel has now selected 10 bellwether test cases. Syngenta is the defendant in all ten cases. Per the most recent case management order, each deposition must occur on or before November 25, 2024, and plaintiffs have until August 20, 2024, to voluntarily dismiss their lawsuit without prejudice. Each of the ten lawsuits alleges that prolonged exposure to the herbicide Paraquat led to a licensed applicator being diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. 

We still believe a Paraquat settlement will be reached before a single trial occurs in the MDL. Remember there is an extremely active Paraquat state court litigation in Pennsylvania in the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas.

This is the same court that has delivered multiple billion-dollar verdicts in the Roundup litigation. It is a common belief among experts and plaintiffs Paraquat lawyers that the science linking prolonged exposure to Paraquat dichloride and being diagnosed with Parkinson's disease is stronger than the link between Roundup exposure and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.

The selection of bellwether test cases is excellent news for Paraquat MDL plaintiffs and those with pending Paraquat lawsuits in Pennsylvania or Delaware state court.

There were fourteen new lawsuits filed over the past ten days.

July 24, 2024 - Global Settlement May Be on the Horizon

As we mentioned below, the cases in Pennsylvania are building. Well, we have a date for the first Paraquat trial, which is set for April 2025 in Philadelphia in state court.

However, we are sure this case and many others will be settled before trial. It is clear that the defendants, Chevron and Syngenta, will not let these cases go in front of a jury, which would create a precedent for a settlement amount and public information. They would much prefer to settle privately and quietly.

This is evident by the dismissal of 74 Paragard cases from the MDL in the past week, as removing nonviable claims helps the settlement process.

According to Matthew Dolman from our partner firm, Dolman Law Group, we are closing in on a Paraquat settlement that we hope will occur over the next year. If you were exposed to Paraquat and diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, please call us at 833-552-7274, as time is of the essence.

July 3, 2024 - Surge in Paraquat Lawsuits in State Court

The number of paraquat lawsuits in Philadelphia (the state court) has increased by almost 50% in the past six months. Judge Joshua Roberts reported that the caseload rose from about 500 at the start of 2024 to 728.

This surge is due to two main reasons. First, in the Elmiron eye injury cases, lawsuits filed in Philadelphia had better outcomes than those filed in the MDL, meaning cases filed in state court did better than federal ones. Second, paraquat lawyers are concerned about Judge Rosenstengel dismissing key experts and cases in the MDL, causing delays. Many lawyers prefer state court to avoid early case dismissals like we saw in the Zantac lawsuits.

June 13, 2024 - Philadelphia Sees a Spike

The number of cases in Philadelphia’s Paraquat mass tort litigation has increased nearly 50% in the last six months. Judge Joshua Roberts, overseeing the litigation in the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas, has reported that the number of cases has risen from about 500 at the start of 2024 to 728 by mid-June.

This increase is mainly due to lawyers moving to state court in Philadelphia after the Judge in the federal MDL ruled to dismiss a key plaintiff expert and four bellwether cases, halting trial schedules. Many lawyers involved also worked on the Zantac MDL and are wary of similar expert dismissals.

Unlike federal court, Pennsylvania state court follows the Frye standard, which is considered more favorable to plaintiffs than the Daubert standard. Given the strong scientific evidence against Paraquat, plaintiffs' prospects in these cases seem promising.

The Daubert standard is a rule of evidence used in federal courts that requires scientific evidence to be relevant and reliable, with the Judge being the one who decides if the methodology and principles behind the evidence are sound. The Frye standard, used in some state courts like Pennsylvania, is less stringent and only requires that the scientific evidence be "generally accepted" by the relevant scientific community and does not give a single judge nearly as much power to shootdown well-established science.

June 10, 2024 - California Looks to Ban Paraquat with Assembly Bill 1963

Assemblymember Laura Friedman is pushing for Assembly Bill 1963, which seeks to ban the toxic herbicide Paraquat starting January 1, 2025. Friedman explained that Paraquat is the "most toxic herbicide still in use in California today" and mentioned that it's already banned in over 60 countries. Despite this, it's still widely used in California.

The bill has also received support from labor leader Dolores Huerta. She is concerned about its disproportionate impact on Latino and Hispanic farmworkers, who often have fewer protections and regulations and are not afforded the same protection as their white counterparts. Because of this, she is stressing the need for better protection for agricultural workers and their families.

June 5, 2024 - 90 New Lawsuits Join the Paraquat MDL, Bringing the Total Case Count to 5,680

Although more than 200 new cases joined the Paraquat Multidistrict Litigation in April, we only saw 90 new filings in May.

One of the more notable new claims comes from a Texas man who alleges he was exposed to Paraquat for more than seven years while mixing, applying, and loading the chemical along with cleaning the related machinery. His complaint states he was exposed to Paraquat through skin absorption, ingesting, and inhalation, among other means.

Like other injured plaintiffs in this MDL, the Texas plaintiff claims the chemical attacked his nervous system and caused his diagnosis of Parkinson's disease in May of 2022.

May 23, 2024 - Analysis of Many Studies Finds Correlation Between Pesticides like Paraquat and Parkinson's Disease

A recent study is causing chatter among plaintiffs' attorneys and others involved in the Paraquat Parkinsons MDL. The study, published in the peer-reviewed journal Science of The Total Environment, examined whether environmental toxins can cause Parkinson's disease. Here's a quick summary of the study:

The study reviewed existing research and literature surrounding the idea of environmental factors and an increased risk of Parkinson's disease (PD). However, it was not about whether Paraquat specifically can cause Parkinson's disease. Instead, it looked at whether any substances in the environment, man-made or natural, can cause PD. In short, they found that yes, environmental toxins can cause Parkinson's disease.

The study reviewed a wide array of studies from around the world, and of many different sizes. Workplaces had the strongest link to PD, followed by general exposure, and exposure in homes. The study also looked at data on a wide range of substances, including dyes, methylene chloride (a very common chemical used in manufacturing, including paint stripping, pharmaceuticals, metal cleaning, etc. ) and whale meat. Yes, whale meat; in some places it is a big industry.

Industrial toxins in workplaces had the highest risk, including high-strength chemicals people use at their job, just like Paraquat. In fact, the study found that pesticides were a big part of the correlation between enviromental factors and PD, stating, "Agents of concern in this respect include pesticides (e.g., paraquat... )"

The study concluded by saying that reducing exposure to environmental toxins, including pesticides, air pollution particles, and other harmful chemicals, could help reduce the prevalence of Parkinson's disease.

The evidence in this analysis that linked environmental toxins, including pesticides, to an increased risk of Parkinson’s is a big deal when it comes to general causation. Neither we nor the study are suggesting there are no other triggers for Parkinson’s disease. However, the study emphasizes that Paraquat and other pesticides can be scientifically correlated to Parkinson’s.

Why does this matter, or why is this even necessary? Researchers and scientists are not entirely sure what causes Parkinson's disease. Still, they believe it's a combination of genetics (genetic mutations), environmental factors (exposure to toxins, like pesticides), and lifestyle factors (certain lifestyle choices).

So, since nobody knows exactly what causes PD, studies like this one are needed to back up the claims of the plaintiffs in the Paraquat lawsuits, who allege that their debilitating disease was caused by an outside factor, namely an environmental element like paraquat.

May 16, 2024 - New Bellwether Case Selection Deadline Extended by Judge

Judge Rosenstengel, who is presiding over the Paraquat Parkinson's MDL, has granted the plaintiffs an extension on the Court's May 10, 2024, deadline for new cases to be selected for bellwether trials. The plaintiffs cited technical issues with accessing the case information database as the reason for the delay.

You may remember that in April, the judge threw out multiple cases because of a lack of trust in the expert witnesses. She then gave the plaintiffs time to select new possible test-trial cases with hopefully better expert witnesses and facts.

Once the selections are submitted, the court will outline a schedule for discovery and trial dates. Now, we wait and see what happens with the next set of cases that the lead attorneys on the Paraquat lawsuit come up with.

The Court has extended the case selection deadline to June 10, 2024. It may be some time before we find a Paraquat bellwether test trial.

May 1, 2024 - Dismissal of First Cases and Expert Testimony Rejection

The Paraquat lawsuits, which claim that exposure to the herbicide has led to Parkinson's disease in agricultural workers and others routinely exposed to the chemical, are facing some recent challenges over the scientific evidence linking Paraquat to Parkinson’s disease.

Judge Rosenstengel has dismissed the first set of cases that were set for trial after she ruled against allowing key expert witness Cornell University professor Martin Wells from giving testimony. The Judge criticized his findings as "unscientific cherry-picking" and noted that his opinions were not supported by any peer-reviewed studies outside the lawsuit's context.

This ruling does not affect the 5,000+ other cases that are part of the MDL in the same court. However, it sets a bad precedent that could affect future proceedings. The judge said that the parties could pick a new set of cases with new expert testimony.

The plaintiffs' lawyers disagreed with the ruling and have announced plans to appeal. However, this indefinitely delays the first bellwether test trial.

"We will continue to prosecute these cases on behalf of the thousands of American farmworkers diagnosed with an incurable and debilitating disease because of their exposure to paraquat," lead attorneys for plaintiffs said.

Chevron and Syngenta, the defendants in the case, made a statement saying there is no established scientific consensus that links Paraquat to Parkinson’s disease despite numerous studies over the past six decades that show there is a connection.

April 11, 2024 - New California Bill Seeking to ban Paraquat

A new bill (AB 1963) proposed by Assemblymember Laura Friedman seeks to ban the sale of Paraquat in California by the end of 2025 and begin phasing it out immediately. Paraquat is still used by growers of pistachios, almonds, and cotton. Keep in mind that Paraquat has been banned in over sixty countries based on managers posed by exposure to this toxic herbicide. 

April 4, 2024 - Plaintiff Lawyers Begin Dismissing Weak Cases

Over the past two weeks, thirteen lawsuits have been voluntarily dismissed, and every last case involved indirect Paraquat exposure. In other words, these were lawsuits brought by individuals who lived near land where Paraquat was sprayed. This is to be contrasted with the lawsuits filed on behalf of licensed applicators, which are far stronger. 

We are noticing Paraquat lawyers dismissing claims instead of subjecting their clients to depositions. Perhaps these lawyers are attempting to avoid sanctions for bringing potentially frivolous claims or at least fall within what has been deemed implausible theories of liability. 

March 28, 2024 - Paraquat MDL Judge Begins Weeding out Weak Cases

Judge Rosenstengel has ordered plaintiff depositions to commence on a number of cases with implausible theories of liability within the Paraquat lawsuit MDL. More specifically, Judge Rosenstengel has focused her attention on "drift" cases, wherein individuals who lived near farmland that were sprayed with Paraquat have alleged injuries (Parkinson's disease) from their exposure. While it is possible to be impacted from Paraquat exposure while residing near farmland due to the substance "drifting" airborne to nearby locations, this is a weak theory of liability.

This is the very reason we have limited our intake to only licensed applicators. We believe the very reason that a Daubert order hasn't come down is Judge Rosenstengel is likely struggling with how to deal with the Paraquat lawsuits with extremely weak theories of liability. Twenty-nine weeks have now passed since Judge Rosenstengel conducted Daubert hearings in the Paraquat lawsuit situated in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Illinois.

Plaintiffs' Paraquat lawyers would be wise to limit lawsuit filings to claims on behalf of licensed applicators. The science is much stronger in proving causation from Paraquat exposure to licensed applicators. Poorly vetted Paraquat lawsuits will now delay lawsuits filed in this MDL indefinitely.

March 18, 2024 - Paraquat Lawyers Still Awaiting Daubert Decision Six Months Later

Twenty-six weeks have passed since Judge Rosenstengel heard the Daubert arguments in the Paraquat MDL. Over 2700 lawsuits are now pending in the United States District Court in Southern Illinois.

We believe Judge Rosenstengel is seeking to weed out weak exposure claims in the Paraquat Lawsuit. We all know that one needs to be a licensed Paraquat applicator to spray the herbicide, and this is the most significant distinction between Roundup and Paraquat lawsuits. We believe the Paraquat class action MDL still has great potential once the weak lawsuits are ferreted out.

Judge Rosenstengel has previously alluded to what are known as "drift cases," in which the claimant did not have direct exposure to Paraquat. Instead, the Paraquat exposure was based on residing or working in areas close to where the toxic herbicide was sprayed. 

There are presently 5342 Paraquat Parkinson's disease lawsuits pending in the Southern District of Illinois. The Paraquat Class action MDL continues to grow, but bellwether trials have been postponed indefinitely due to the delay in drafting a Daubert opinion. 

March 4, 2024 - Potential Paraquat Settlement Appears Unlikely at this Juncture

Attorneys representing claimants who developed Parkinson's disease following significant Paraquat exposure believe a settlement with Chevron and Syngenta is unlikely to occur in 2024. We are now at twenty-four (24) weeks post-Daubert hearing. Paraquat MDL Judge Nancy Rosenstengel has still not issued an order on whether to exclude specific experts who link Paraquat exposure to Parkinson's disease.

This delay also has postponed the initial Paraquat bellwether trial indefinitely. Interestingly enough, there is a pending consolidation of Pennsylvania Paraquat lawsuits in the Philadelphia Court of Common Please, with trials set for early spring of 2025. It is possible that the first Paraquat trial could occur in Philadelphia before the first case is tried within the MDL. 

February 13, 2024 - EPA Reaffirms Paraquat

Despite all the scientific evidence and all the injuries, the EPA has given its approval to Paraquat once again after a reassessment of its prior stance.

Will this hurt the viability of Paraquat lawsuits?  It doesn't help, but it does not negate all the injuries Plaintiff has that Paraquat caused.

Sixty lawsuits have been recommended for dismissal by the Special Master of the Paraquat MDL for failure to comply with filling out the Plaintiff Assessment Questionnaire. A majority of these cases are from the same law firm.

February 6, 2024 - Pace of New Paraquat Cases Slow Down

The pace of the Paraquat Multidistrict Litigation (MDL) is slowing down as new filings have dramatically decreased. Previously, an average of 250 new cases were being added a month. Less than 50 cases have been filed in January and February into the Paraquat class action lawsuit.

January 23, 2024 - Judge Questions Evidence of Some Cases

To refine the dockets, the Court has announced Case Management Order No. 18, which targets 25 cases over concerns of insufficient evidence of paraquat exposure. The Court releases these orders to preserve the integrity of the MDL by weeding out claims that don't have strong evidential grounds.

January 4, 2024 - New Year Case Count

As the year begins, there are just over 5,000 cases in the Paraquat lawsuit, reflecting a slowdown.

December 1, 2023 - New Cases Continue to Grow

An additional 200 cases have joined the Paraquat MDL during the past month, bringing the total to 4,986 pending cases and showing a continuation of the rise of the lawsuit's size.

November 1, 2023 - Key Naysayer in Parquat-Parkinson Connection Wants Out

Dr. Douglas Weed, whose research is critical in the debate concerning Paraquat's connection to Parkinson's disease, is trying to distance himself from the lawsuit. He has asked the Court to allow him to ignore a subpoena related to his review, which argues there is no link between Paraquat and Parkinson's disease. 

The plaintiffs' lawyers, however, are looking into his financial history to see if there are any green reasons for possible bias. 

October 2, 2023 - Bellwether Trial Delayed

The first bellwether trial on the effects of Paraquat has hit a delay. Due to legal complexities, the start has been pushed back, potentially until 2024. This is tough news for those affected by the chemical. This means injured plaintiffs will have to wait even longer.

September 27, 2023 - Plaintiffs Await Ruling on Judge's Comprehensive Review 

After all the supplement Daubert briefs have been submitted, the Paraquat MDL awaits a ruling. Judge Rosenstengel adjourned the bellwether trial to ensure a comprehensive review with potential case-altering implications. These time-extending decisions have increased anxieties among plaintiffs waiting to hear if their experts will be allowed.

September 18, 2023 - Case Count Update

Since the end of May, more than 1,000 new cases have been added to the Paraquat lawsuit, showing that more and more people want to challenge the use of Paraquat. Each case adds to the growing strength of this MDL.

September 6, 2023 - Judge Postpones First Paraquat Bellwether Trial

Judge Nancy Rosenstengel has postponed the trial that was supposed to happen in October. Her delay is due to making important decisions about what evidence can be presented in court. These decisions are crucial because they might affect the results of the trial. The people involved in the lawsuit are understandably concerned about what these decisions might mean for their cases.

August 28, 2023 - Daubert Hearing

Paraquat MDL Judge Nancy Rosenstengel has spent the last week conducting a Daubert hearing. In a Daubert hearing, the Judge examines the scientific evidence being proffered up. More specifically, the methodology of epidemiological and scientific causation evidence is reviewed by the handling Judge. 

In a Daubert hearing, the Judge investigates whether the techniques used by the expert can be tested, whether their conclusions are repeatable, whether the findings have been published in a peer-reviewed study within a reputable publication, and whether the methodologies utilized are reliable. 

Chevron and Syngenta have moved to exclude Dr. Anthony Lang, Dr. Binit Shah, and Dr. Martin Wells from providing testimony in the Paraquat lawsuit. Dr. Wells is a noted epidemiologist who has conducted multiple tests comparing Paraquat exposure to many other environmental contaminants. Dr. Wells concluded Paraquat exposure is causally related to Parkinson's disease. 

Attorneys representing Chevron and Syngenta have retained their experts who claim Parkinson's disease is attributable to genetic factors. Further, they contend exposure to the toxic herbicide Paraquat played a minimal role, if at all, in developing Parkinson's disease and that any link is based on correlation, not causation. 

August 14, 2023 - Scientific Hearing Scheduled in the Paraquat Class Action Lawsuit

A multi-day hearing will occur beginning next week in the Paraquat MDL. The Court will determine whether scientific evidence proffered up by several experts linking exposure to Paraquat dichloride to the subsequent development of Parkinson's disease. 

The hearing results can ultimately end this lawsuit if Judge Rosenstengel rules to exclude the expert's testimony on the causal link. If Judge Rosenstengel decides the science offered by such experts to be reliable, the next step will be scheduling bellwether trials in the Paraquat lawsuit. Thus, the potential of a Paraquat lawsuit settlement in 2024 is directly linked to Judge Rosenstengel's decision.  Judge Rosenstengel's forthcoming decision will shape Paraquat litigation in the future. Paraquat defendants Syngeta, Chevron, and their shareholders have a lot riding on this hearing.

August 8, 2023 - New Paraquat Lawsuit Filed Into the MDL

An Illinois man opted to file a Paraquat lawsuit in the MDL this past week. A farmer from southern Illinois alleges he was a licensed applicator of Paraquat dichloride and sprayed the herbicide for nearly a dozen years from 2002 through early 2014. He was subsequently diagnosed with Parkinson's disease following years of exposure to Paraquat dichloride. This is yet another lawsuit alleging prolonged exposure to Paraquat resulted in a diagnosis of Parkinson's disease. 

Parkinson's Disease Basic Information

In medical terms, Parkinson's disease is a neurodegenerative disorder that affects the neurons that produce dopamine in your brain. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that controls your nervous system by sending messages between cells. Improperly sent or received messages can change your physical movements, memory, attention, and behavior.

Parkinson's disease symptoms usually develop slowly over time and vary from person to person. People with Parkinson's disease may experience motor symptoms and non-motor symptoms.

Parkinson's disease symptoms usually develop slowly over time and vary from person to person. People with Parkinson's disease may experience motor symptoms and non-motor symptoms.

Motor Symptoms

Common motor symptoms include:

  • Tremors, usually while resting: One of the hallmark symptoms of Parkinson's disease is tremors, which often occur when the muscles are relaxed or at rest. These involuntary shaking movements typically begin in the hands or fingers and can spread to other parts of the body as the disease progresses. The tremors may become more pronounced during stress or fatigue.
  • Slow movements and walking: Known as bradykinesia, slow movements are a common motor symptom of Parkinson's. This slowness affects everyday tasks, making it difficult to initiate movements, such as standing up or starting to walk. Walking often becomes shuffling and may involve short, hesitant steps, contributing to a stooped posture and reduced arm swing.
  • Stiff or rigid limbs: Muscle stiffness or rigidity is another common symptom, leading to a feeling of tightness in the limbs. This rigidity can make it hard to move freely, resulting in discomfort and a limited range of motion. It can affect various parts of the body, including the neck, shoulders, and legs, and may cause aches or cramps.
  • Balance issues and posture instability: Parkinson's disease affects the body's ability to maintain balance and posture, leading to instability. This can cause unsteadiness while standing or walking, increasing the risk of falls. Postural instability is often more pronounced in the later stages of the disease, and individuals may find it difficult to recover balance if pushed or jostled.

Non-motor Symptoms

Non-motor symptoms can present even more significant challenges and may include:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Sleep disorders
  • Hallucinations
  • Constipation
  • Loss of smell
  • Other cognitive issues

Parkinson's disease progresses through five defined stages, from mild motor symptoms to needing full-time care. As the disease progresses, everyday activities such as walking and talking become difficult or impossible. As you can imagine, the necessary treatment and support to help Parkinson's patients get through the day and retain as much independence as possible can cost thousands of dollars.

If you were exposed to Paraquat and professionally diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, talk to a mass tort lawyer to determine if you may file a lawsuit and request compensation for your losses. Keep in mind Parkinson's disease symptoms alone are legally insufficient to file a claim. You must have a professional medical diagnosis to qualify for legal action.

What Is Paraquat and Who Is at Risk of Paraquat Exposure?

Basic Information About Paraquat

Paraquat dichloride, known simply as Paraquat, is sold under different brand names, including Gramoxone, Firestorm, and Parazone. It is a cheap, extremely toxic herbicide widely used as an agricultural weed killer.

Paraquat is banned in more than 32 countries, including the European Union. However, it is still legal in the United States and regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 

Paraquat cannot be applied in residential settings or by average consumers. Only licensed applicators may handle this dangerous chemical, and it can only be used in commercial and agricultural settings.

Knowing how toxic Paraquat is, the EPA requires certain additives to help prevent accidental poisoning.

  • Paraquat must contain a blue dye to ensure no one confuses it for a beverage, 
  • A strong odor is added to warn people that they should not consume it, and
  • A vomit-inducing substance is also added, so in the case of accidental ingestion, the person will expel the poison.

Several manufacturers continue to produce this poisonous substance, knowing it is dangerous and harmful to humans, and the EPA still allows its use. The following list includes known Paraquat manufacturers. We believe these companies may be held liable for Parkinson's disease caused by their herbicide:

Chevron Chemical Company

Located in San Ramon, California, Chevron Chemical Company is a subsidiary of Chevron Corporation, founded in 1984. It is known for producing a wide range of chemical products, including agricultural chemicals, fuels, and lubricants, leveraging Chevron's extensive expertise in the energy sector.


Syngenta, headquartered in Basel, Switzerland, was founded in 2000. It is renowned for its agricultural science and technology, particularly in developing pesticides and genetically modified seeds, playing a significant role in enhancing crop yields and farming efficiency worldwide.

Drexel Chemical Company

Based in Memphis, Tennessee, Drexel Chemical Company was founded in 1972. The company specializes in producing a variety of agricultural chemicals, including herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides, aimed at improving crop protection and productivity for farmers.

Adama Group

Adama Group, headquartered in Tel Aviv, Israel, was established in 1945. Known for its extensive portfolio of crop protection products, Adama focuses on providing innovative and practical solutions to help farmers manage weeds, insects, and diseases in their crops.

Altitude Crop Innovations

Altitude Crop Innovations is a relatively new player in the agricultural industry, headquartered in Fort Collins, Colorado. The company specializes in developing advanced crop protection solutions and sustainable agricultural practices to enhance crop performance and environmental sustainability.

United Phosphorus

United Phosphorus Limited (UPL), headquartered in Mumbai, India, was founded in 1969. UPL is a global leader in agrochemicals and crop protection products, offering various solutions including herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides to improve agricultural productivity.

Helm Agro

Helm Agro, based in Hamburg, Germany, was founded in 1900. It is part of Helm AG, a global chemical marketing enterprise. Helm Agro provides innovative crop protection solutions, including herbicides, fungicides, and insecticides, to enhance agricultural efficiency and sustainability.

Sinon USA

Sinon USA is a subsidiary of Sinon Corporation, based in Taichung, Taiwan, and was established in 1955. Sinon USA, located in Wilmington, Delaware, specializes in manufacturing and distributing agricultural chemicals, including herbicides, fungicides, and insecticides, to support modern farming practices.

Innvictis Crop Care

Innvictis Crop Care, headquartered in Denver, Colorado, was founded in 2012. The company is known for its innovative approach to crop protection, offering a comprehensive range of products and solutions designed to meet the evolving needs of farmers and enhance crop performance.

Health Risks Associated with Paraquat Exposure

Paraquat is a highly toxic herbicide with severe health consequences. Exposure occurs through inhalation, ingestion, or skin contact. In most of the cases involved in the lawsuit, however, the negative health issues are caused by long-term exposure to the weed killer rather than a single direct event. However, the following information can apply to "paraquat poisoning" and long-term exposure to the herbicide.

Immediate Effects

  • Respiratory System: Difficulty breathing, pulmonary edema (fluid in the lungs), respiratory failure.
  • Gastrointestinal System: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, severe abdominal pain, damage to the digestive tract.
  • Cardiovascular System: Irregular heartbeat, low blood pressure, heart failure.
  • Central Nervous System: Seizures, tremors, confusion, coma.
  • Skin: Chemical burns and irritation.

Long-Term Effects

  • Respiratory System: Chronic lung disease, pulmonary fibrosis (scarring of lung tissue).
  • Kidney and Liver Damage: Chronic kidney and liver failure.
  • Other Potential Risks: While research is ongoing, potential long-term effects include cancer and reproductive issues.

Who Is Most Likely to Be Harmed by Paraquat Exposure?

Paraquat, a highly toxic herbicide, poses significant health risks to those exposed to it. People in contact with Paraquat over long periods are the most likely to be harmed by this substance.

This high-risk group includes:

  • Licensed Paraquat Applicators: These individuals are directly involved in mixing, loading, and applying Paraquat, placing them at significant risk of exposure.
  • Crop Dusting Pilots: Pilots spraying Paraquat from aerial applications are exposed to potential drift and inhalation hazards.
  • Agricultural Workers: Farmers, field hands, and those directly involved in crop spraying or harvesting are at heightened risk due to direct contact with the chemical.
  • Chemical Plant Workers: Employees involved in the manufacturing and production of Paraquat face potential exposure during the production process.
  • Transportation Workers: Truck drivers transporting Paraquat, especially those handling spills or accidents, are at risk.
  • Residents Near Agricultural Areas: Individuals living near areas where Paraquat is used can be exposed through drift, runoff, or accidental spills.

It's essential to note that even minimal exposure to Paraquat can have severe health consequences, emphasizing the importance of protective measures and responsible handling of this hazardous chemical.

How Does Paraquat Exposure Occur?

Experts have identified at least four ways paraquat exposure can occur:

  1. Herbicide drift. When Paraquat is sprayed on a parcel of land, the droplets can drift through the air in hot and humid conditions, even without strong wind.
  2. Herbicide overspray. If an applicator makes a mistake or applies Paraquat in heavy wind, the spray can cover adjoining areas they did not mean to spray.
  3. Herbicide runoff. Paraquat can seep into the ground and contaminate the soil and nearby water sources. Paraquat can poison adjoining property owners and others downstream from the area that was sprayed through ground or water contamination.
  4. Ingestion. If Paraquat comes into contact with any food or water source and consumers eat or drink the contaminated items, they can become very sick. Even small amounts of this toxic chemical over a long time can lead to chronic medical concerns. 

Depending on where you work, live, and play, you might have been exposed to Paraquat without your knowledge. People who live near industrial farms, children who attend school in rural areas near farms, and even golfers who play on courses treated with Paraquat may have been exposed. 

The following products are known to contain Paraquat and, therefore, potentially expose people to the risk of developing Parkinson's disease.

  • Gramoxone
  • Parazone
  • Quick-Quat
  • Para-Shot 3.0
  • Helmquat 3SL
  • Cyclone SL 2.0
  • Firestorm
  • Crisquat
  • Dexuron
  • Para-col
  • Devour
  • Bonedry
  • Blanco
  • Dexuron
  • Esgram
  • Ortho Paraquat CL
  • Tota-col
  • PP148
  • Garmixel
  • Pillarxone
  • AH 501
  • Bai Cao Ku

Once Paraquat is in your body, it travels everywhere. Your lungs, liver, and kidneys are the most susceptible to paraquat damage, especially over time. Ingesting this poison can damage your mouth, stomach, and intestines and can be fatal. There is no cure for paraquat poisoning.

Michael J. Fox is one of the most famous advocates of Parkinson's disease (PD). He created the Unified Parkinson's Advocacy Council to share important information and help others with PD. One of its studies showed that people exposed to Paraquat at a young age and over an extended timeframe have a 200 to 600 percent increased risk of developing Parkinson's disease.

In the past several years, other studies have also shown a link between paraquat exposure and PD, including these scientific reports:

Overall, researchers believe that high levels of the chemicals found in Paraquat contribute to the development of PD. Although the manufacturers have known the risks for decades, they still produce Paraquat for use in the United States, and the EPA still allows its use. 

A study from the National Institute of Environmental Health Services determined that people exposed to Paraquat because of their employment were two and a half times more likely to develop Parkinson's disease. This is why farm workers and paraquat applicators are in the highest risk category for paraquat-related PD.

What Paraquat Exposure Symptoms Should You Look For?

In addition to the long-term issues related to Parkinson's disease, paraquat poisoning is a genuine concern. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, eating or drinking the toxin is the most common way Paraquat poisons people.

Skin exposure can also lead to problems, especially with broken skin, such as an open wound or cut. Also, inhaling Paraquat can lead to lung damage, among other issues.

Potential symptoms of paraquat poisoning include:

  • Pain and swelling in the mouth, throat, and digestive tract,
  • Dehydration, low blood pressure, and electrolyte imbalances,
  • Long-term complications such as:
    • Heart and kidney failure.
    • Liver damage and scarring, and 
    • Lung scarring.
  • A large amount of paraquat poisoning can lead to these severe problems within a few short hours or days:
    • Confusion,
    • Acute kidney failure,
    • Coma,
    • Heart damage,
    • Liver failure,
    • Muscle weakness, 
    • Fluid build-up in the lungs,
    • Respiratory failure,
    • Seizures, and 
    • Death.

Most people who are exposed to Paraquat in large quantities do not survive. There is currently no antidote or cure for paraquat poisoning.

Recently, personal injury lawyers have filed several lawsuits to protect people using these toxic chemicals and others who were inadvertently exposed to these dangerous substances and then developed Parkinson's disease and other serious health issues.

A nationwide multi-district litigation (MDL) was established to consolidate all federal paraquat lawsuits. Injured plaintiffs join this MDL every month to streamline pre-trial discovery and motion hearings and ensure consistent court rulings about important legal issues.

What Compensation Can I Request?

To file a lawsuit, you must have been exposed to Paraquat and then diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. You can request financial compensation for your related expenses, losses, and mental distress in your claim.

Our legal team can help you hold negligent chemical manufacturers responsible for their actions.

Specifically, you can request money to help you pay:

  • Medical bills related to your paraquat-related conditions, including Parkinson's disease issues: This can cover the costs of doctor visits, hospital stays, prescription medications, medical tests, and any specialized treatments needed to manage Parkinson's disease and other health problems caused by paraquat exposure. For example, these expenses would be included if you have to undergo regular MRI scans or need to see a neurologist frequently.
  • Rehabilitation costs: This includes the costs of physical therapy, occupational therapy, and any other rehabilitation services required to help you regain or maintain function and mobility. For instance, if you need ongoing sessions with a physical therapist to manage Parkinson's disease symptoms, those costs would be part of your claim.
  • Long-term costs for therapies, assistive care, and other related services: This encompasses long-term expenses like in-home care and nursing home care, as well as the cost of assistive devices such as wheelchairs, walkers, and home modifications (like installing ramps or grab bars). For example, these costs would be covered if you require a home health aide to assist with daily activities.
  • Lost income: This refers to the wages you have lost because your Paraquat-related condition has made it impossible for you to work. For instance, if you had to take an extended leave of absence from your job or could no longer perform your job duties due to Parkinson's disease, you could claim the income you have lost during that period.
  • Future lost earnings: This covers the income you would have earned without developing a Paraquat-related condition. For example, if you cannot return to work due to your condition, you could claim the wages you would have earned until your expected retirement age.
  • Pain, suffering, emotional distress, anguish, and other mental health concerns: This includes compensation for the physical pain and suffering you have endured, as well as the emotional and psychological impact of your condition. For example, if you experience chronic pain, anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues as a result of your illness, these would be part of your claim.
  • Loss of life enjoyment and family relationships: This accounts for how your condition has diminished your quality of life and affected your relationships with family and friends. For instance, if you are no longer able to participate in hobbies, social activities, or family events that you once enjoyed, if you can no longer have your grandkids over to stay the night, or if your illness has placed a strain on your marriage or other relationships, these losses would be considered in your damages.
  • Punitive damages to punish the manufacturers under certain circumstances: In cases where the manufacturers of Paraquat are found to have acted with gross negligence or willful misconduct, you could be awarded punitive damages. These are intended to punish the wrongdoer and deter similar behavior in the future. For example, if it is proven that the manufacturers knew about the risks of Paraquat but failed to warn users or take appropriate measures, punitive damages could be sought. Punitive damages are rare but when they are issued, it is usually in large cases like the Paraquat Lawsuits.

During a free case consultation, our mass tort lawyers can evaluate your claim, create a legal strategy, answer all your questions, and explain what you might recover.

Our mission is to help hard-working agricultural workers and innocent bystanders exposed to Paraquat recover the maximum compensation possible.

As with most personal injury cases, it is difficult to place a value on a paraquat Parkinson's disease claim. Since every situation is different and every person reacts differently to dangerous products, we need to learn all about your unique circumstances before we can provide a solid legal analysis.

In general, the value of your case will depend on:

  • The extent of your paraquat contact. Did you eat or drink the chemical in tainted food or water? Was it sprayed near your home, and you inhaled it? How much Paraquat were you exposed to, and for how long?
  • The severity of your medical issues. Parkinson's disease is different for each person. What are your limitations? Can you care for yourself, or do you need assistance? Are you in pain occasionally, frequently, or constantly? 
  • The length of time you will deal with Parkinson's disease. If you were exposed at a young age and developed early onset Parkinson's disease, you will have many more years dealing with this progressive condition than an older person who was recently exposed. 
  • The amount of financial losses you incurred. Are you incurring expenses annually, monthly, or daily? Have you lost your job because of the complications Paraquat created?
  • The emotional and mental anguish you face. How are you handling your diagnosis and treatment? How are your family relationships?

If you were in contact with Paraquat at work or exposed by a nearby agricultural business and developed Parkinson's disease, you may bring a mass tort claim against the manufacturers and request compensation for your losses. Talk with an experienced paraquat lawsuit attorney to learn more.

Contact an Experienced Product Liability Attorney

Suffering the debilitating effects of Parkinson's disease as a result of chemical exposure is something no one should have to go through, especially not alone. Our paraquat lawyers want to support you during this difficult time by negotiating a settlement compensating you for your physical, emotional, and financial losses.

The companies that manufacture and sell Paraquat have deep pockets and large legal teams ready to defend against these lawsuits.

As a result, it's imperative that anyone who has been injured by these products partners with a legal team that has the resources and experience to challenge big corporations and succeed. To protect your future, we are prepared to take on these corporate giants and won't back down until justice is served.

Call Our Paraquat Attorneys for a Free Consultation

We offer free consultations for injured clients who want to explore their legal options. You can reach us at (727) 451-6900 or through our online contact form. The team at Lawsuit Legal News can provide valuable insight into the personal injury claims process as we help you recover the maximum compensation available for your injuries and related damages. Specifically, Matthew Dolman is an experienced Paraquat attorney representing many individuals in this lawsuit. 

Specifically, Matthew Dolman is an experienced Paraquat attorney representing several individuals in this lawsuit.

Did you Develop Parkinson's Disease Following Prolonged Exposure to Paraquat?

We are confident in the science that individuals exposed to Paraquat are far more likely to develop Parkinson's disease. If you would like to learn more about the Paraquat Parkinson's disease lawsuit, please email Attorney Dolman directly at

Real Examples of People Suffering from Paraquat

Thomas Hoffman's Case

Thomas Hoffman was a farmer who developed Parkinson's disease after long-term exposure to Paraquat. His exposure began in the fifth grade, helping his parent on their farm, and continued for decades. Thomas filed a lawsuit against the makers of Paraquat in September 2017 and passed away just 23 days later. 

His case highlights the severe impact of prolonged Paraquat exposure and the need for affected individuals to seek legal help as soon as possible. Thomas's case also speaks to the need for prompt legal action from our justice system since some of these plaintiffs have very little time left.

James Hemker's Neurological Damage

James Hemker helped on his family's farm in the 1960s and 70s, when Paraquat was used regularly. In 2008, James was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease after years of exposure to the dangerous weed killer. He filed a lawsuit against Paraquat manufacturers Syngenta and Chevron in 2021. 

His lawsuit claims that the manufacturers did not adequately warn James about the risks of neurological damage from Paraquat exposure and were, therefore, responsible for his Parkinson's diagnosis.

Maria Sanchez - Resident Near Farmland

Maria Sanchez lived near a large farming area where Paraquat was regularly sprayed. Despite not working directly with the herbicide, Maria developed Parkinson’s disease. Her doctors believe that long-term environmental exposure to Paraquat, possibly through contaminated water or air, was a significant factor in her illness.

John Blanchard, A Farmer from Illinois

John Blanchard, a lifelong farmer, regularly used Paraquat to control weeds on his farm. After decades of exposure, John began experiencing symptoms such as tremors, stiffness, and difficulty walking, which were later diagnosed as Parkinson's disease. His family has since filed a lawsuit against the manufacturers of Paraquat, alleging that the product caused his debilitating condition.

Sarah Thompson, An Agricultural Worker in California

Sarah Thompson worked on a large farm in California for many years, where Paraquat was frequently used. She was often responsible for mixing and applying the herbicide, usually without adequate protective equipment. 

Years later, Sarah developed respiratory issues, which were followed by a diagnosis of Parkinson's disease. Her case has drawn attention to the lack of safety measures for workers exposed to dangerous chemicals like Paraquat.

Tom Jefferson, Landscape Professional from Florida

Tom Jefferson, a landscaper from Florida, used Paraquat in his daily work for over a decade. Over time, he started to notice a decline in his motor skills and began experiencing cognitive problems. Eventually, Tom was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. 

His family believes that his extended exposure to Paraquat is directly responsible for his condition, so they are seeking compensation in the Paraquat MDL.

These examples highlight the real dangers of Paraquat exposure and its severe impact on individuals and their families. Many victims and their families are seeking justice through legal avenues, hoping to hold the manufacturers accountable for the harm caused by this toxic chemical.

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