How Safe Are You When You Use Uber?

How Safe Are You When You Use Uber?

In recent years, Uber has become a convenient choice for millions of people worldwide, but how safe is it?

One recent year saw more than 3,000 reported incidents of sexual assault during Uber rides in the United States, along with multiple fatalities.

Although most Uber rides occur without incident, safety concerns remain a significant issue for passengers and drivers alike.

Rideshare services like Uber can subject you to harassment or unsafe driving practices. This article aims to educate you on Uber's safety measures, your legal rights as a passenger, and the steps you can take if you experience an incident.

If you or someone you know has experienced an unsafe situation while using a rideshare service, Legal Lawsuit News is here to help you seek justice and compensation. Call us today at (866) 535-9515 for your free consultation to go over your options.

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Statistics on Uber Safety Issues

Sexual Assault Reports

Uber sexual assault lawsuits

In Uber's latest safety report, the company disclosed 3,824 reports of the five most severe categories of sexual assault in just one year. This marked a 38% decrease from the 5,981 reports in the previous period​. However, despite this decline, the numbers highlight that sexual assault remains a significant concern for Uber users. Notably, in one year saw 141 reports of rape, down from 247 in the previous year, with riders 91% and 7% drivers​​ of the targets.


In just one year, Uber reported 20 fatalities resulting from physical assaults. Of these, 15 victims were riders​​.

Ongoing Lawsuits

Uber is currently facing numerous lawsuits, particularly related to sexual assault claims. As of February 2024, the company faced 399 pending cases in multidistrict litigation. These lawsuits allege negligence on Uber's part, claiming that the company failed to protect passengers from harm, despite being aware of potential risks posed by some drivers.

Comparison with Previous Years

The decrease in reported incidents suggests some progress, but the numbers remain alarming. The decline in reported rapes is a positive trend, but the high percentage of victims being passengers indicates persistent risk.

Uber’s Safety Measures and Features

In response to ongoing safety concerns, Uber has implemented several measures and features designed to protect both passengers and drivers. While these safety enhancements mark progress, they may not go far enough.

Safety Toolkit

Uber's Safety Toolkit is a suite of features integrated into the app to enhance rider security and provide peace of mind during trips. This includes:

  • RideCheck: This feature uses GPS and sensors to detect unexpected stops or route deviations. If it detects a potential issue, the app automatically checks in with both the rider and driver to ensure safety. This feature can detect long stops or potential crashes, prompting alerts for both parties to verify their well-being ​​.
  • PIN Verification: To prevent passengers from entering the wrong vehicle, the app provides an optional PIN code that riders must verbally confirm with their driver before starting the trip. This ensures that passengers get into the right car with the correct driver​.
  • Share My Trip: This lets passengers share their real-time trip details and location with trusted contacts. Family or friends can track the ride's progress, providing an added layer of security​.
  • Emergency Button: The app includes an emergency assistance button that enables riders to call 911 directly from the app. This feature provides information such as the vehicle's location and route, which it can share with emergency responders.

Driver Screening and Monitoring

Uber employs rigorous screening processes and continuous monitoring to ensure driver safety and reliability:

  • Background Checks: All drivers must pass initial background checks that screen for criminal activity and driving history. Uber also claims to have a continuous background check system, which resulted in over 80,000 drivers being removed from the platform due to criminal activities or driving violations.
  • Driver Ratings: Uber's rating system allows riders to provide feedback on their experience. Drivers with consistently low ratings face deactivation, which helps maintain service quality and safety​.
  • Real-Time Monitoring: The app uses real-time data to monitor driving patterns, such as harsh braking or acceleration. This information helps Uber identify potentially unsafe drivers and provide corrective measures when necessary​.

Criticisms and Limitations of Uber’s Safety Measures

While Uber has introduced several safety features to protect its users, critics argue that the company has not done enough to address ongoing safety concerns.

Limitations of Current Measures

Despite the introduction of features such as RideCheck and PIN verification, there are significant gaps in Uber's safety measures:

  • Inadequate Prevention of Assaults: The continued reports of sexual assaults on Uber rides indicate that the current safety features may not be sufficient to prevent such incidents. Critics suggest that the technology needs to be complemented by more stringent driver vetting processes and enhanced real-time monitoring​.
  • Lack of In-Car Cameras: One of the most frequently mentioned safety enhancements is the installation of in-car cameras. Such cameras could deter misconduct and provide critical evidence for subsequent legal cases. However, privacy concerns and the cost of implementation have prevented this approach​.
  • No Option for Rider Preferences: Uber does not currently allow passengers to choose the gender of their driver, which some users believe could enhance safety for certain demographics, particularly women traveling alone. This feature could alleviate concerns about harassment and improve overall user comfort​​.

Background Check Criticisms

  • Inconsistencies in Background Checks: Some critics argue that Uber's background checks are less rigorous than those required for traditional taxi drivers. In some instances, drivers with prior criminal records have been allowed to work on the platform, raising questions about the efficacy of Uber's vetting processes​.
  • Limitations in Data Access: Uber's background checks are often limited by the availability of public records, which can vary significantly by jurisdiction. This inconsistency can lead to gaps in screening and potential oversights in the hiring process​​.

Community Guidelines and Enforcement

Uber has established community guidelines intended to maintain a safe and respectful environment for both drivers and passengers.

However, enforcement of these guidelines presents challenges:

  • Lack of Enforcement Mechanisms: While Uber's guidelines set clear expectations for behavior, enforcing them relies heavily on user reporting and the company's ability to respond effectively. This can lead to delays in addressing issues and inconsistencies in how rules are applied​.
  • Dependence on User Ratings: The rating system is a crucial component of Uber's quality control, but it has limitations. Biases in rider ratings can unfairly impact drivers, and conversely, poor ratings alone may not be enough to remove dangerous individuals from the platform​.

Uber's handling of legal claims and public relations related to safety issues has also faced scrutiny:

  • Slow Response to Legal Claims: The ongoing multidistrict litigation and numerous lawsuits highlight concerns that Uber may not be responding quickly or effectively enough to legal challenges related to safety​​.
  • Perception of Corporate Responsibility: There is a perception that Uber prioritizes growth over safety, which has led to criticism regarding its commitment to genuinely addressing safety concerns beyond mere compliance​.

As an Uber passenger, you have specific legal rights and protections to ensure your safety and provide recourse after an assault.

Passenger Rights

Uber riders are entitled to a safe and secure travel experience. If an incident occurs, passengers can take action to protect themselves and seek compensation:

  • Right to Safety: Passengers have the fundamental right to a safe ride. This includes the expectation that drivers will operate vehicles responsibly and that Uber will provide a secure platform free from harassment or assault.
  • Right to Report Incidents: If you experience or witness an unsafe situation, you can report it to Uber and the appropriate authorities. Uber provides several channels for reporting incidents, including in-app reporting and direct contact with customer support​.
  • Right to Privacy: Uber must protect passengers' personal information, and any breach of this data by Uber or its drivers can subject them to legal action​​.

In the event of an incident during an Uber ride, you may have legal avenues to pursue compensation or other forms of recourse:

  • Personal Injury Claims: If you suffer an injury during an Uber ride due to an accident or assault, you may file a personal injury claim against the responsible party. This can include the driver or Uber itself if your case can establish negligence on their part.
  • Insurance Coverage: Uber maintains a $1 million liability insurance policy for accidents involving its drivers while they are on a trip. This coverage can help compensate for medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages​.
  • Class Action and Multidistrict Litigation (MDL): In cases involving systemic issues, such as widespread safety concerns, riders may join class action lawsuits or MDL proceedings against Uber.
LEGAL ACTION text on the paper with gavel on the wooden background

If you’ve been involved in an incident while using Uber, whether it’s an accident or an assault, taking legal action may be necessary to protect your rights and seek compensation.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on when and how to pursue legal action following an Uber incident.

  • Injuries from Accidents: After an accident involving an Uber vehicle, whether as a passenger, pedestrian, or another driver, consult a personal injury lawyer. Injuries can lead to medical expenses, lost wages, and long-term rehabilitation costs​.
  • Assault or Harassment: Victims of assault or harassment by an Uber driver should seek legal counsel immediately to hold the perpetrator(s) accountable, helping prevent any further abuse.
  • Insurance Disputes: If Uber’s insurance provider disputes your claim or offers inadequate compensation, a lawyer can help you negotiate or litigate to secure a fair settlement​.
  • Complex Liability Issues: In cases where liability is unclear or involves multiple parties, such as when another driver is at fault in an accident involving an Uber, legal expertise is essential to navigate the complexities of the case​.
  1. Document the Incident: Collect all relevant information related to the incident, including:
    • Accident Details: Photos of the scene, vehicle damage, and any visible injuries.
    • Driver Information: Name, contact details, and insurance information of the Uber driver.
    • Witness Statements: Contact information and statements from any witnesses present​​.
  2. Report the Incident: Notify Uber about the incident through their app and customer service. Ensure that you also report the incident to local law enforcement, obtaining a police report if applicable​.
  3. Consult with a Lawyer: Discuss your case with a lawyer experienced in rideshare incidents. They can help you understand your rights, evaluate your case’s merits, and outline potential legal strategies​​.
  4. File a Claim or Lawsuit: Your lawyer will assist you in filing a claim with Uber’s insurance or pursuing a lawsuit if necessary. This process may involve:
    • Negotiating a Settlement: Your lawyer will negotiate with Uber or the insurance company to reach a fair settlement that covers your losses.
    • Litigation: If all parties cannot reach a fair settlement, your lawyer may file a lawsuit on your behalf, representing you in court to seek maximum compensation​.

Potential Compensation

  • Medical Expenses: Coverage for hospital bills, rehabilitation, and any ongoing medical care required due to the incident​.
  • Lost Wages: Compensation for income lost due if you cannot work due to injuries​.
  • Pain and Suffering: Damages for physical pain, emotional distress, and the impact on your quality of life​.
  • Property Damage: Reimbursement for any personal property damaged during the incident​.
  • Punitive Damages: In cases of egregious misconduct, such as intentional harm or gross negligence by an Uber driver, you may be entitled to punitive damages.

Get the Compensation You Deserve

If you've been involved in an Uber-related incident, every second counts. Hesitation doesn't just delay your recovery—it could put others at risk, too.

That's where Legal Lawsuit News steps in. With our network’s track record of successful rideshare cases under our belt and an unwavering commitment to our clients' success, we're primed to fight your corner.

Legal Lawsuit News attorneys work on contingency, meaning you don't pay unless we win. No upfront costs, no hidden fees—just a clear path to justice.

Don't let another day pass. Your rights matter, and we're here to protect them. Contact us now at (866) 535-9515 and let's start the fight for what's rightfully yours.


Matthew Dolman

Personal Injury Lawyer

This article was written and reviewed by Matthew Dolman. Matt has been a practicing civil trial, personal injury, products liability, and mass tort lawyer since 2004. He has represented over 11,000 injury victims and has served as lead counsel in over 1000 lawsuits. Matt is a lifetime member of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum and Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum for resolving individual cases in excess of $1 million and $2 million, respectively. He has also been selected by his colleagues as a Florida Superlawyer and as a member of Florida’s Legal Elite on multiple occasions. Further, Matt has been quoted in the media numerous times and is a sought-after speaker on a variety of legal issues and topics.

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