What Are the Bad Side Effects of Ozempic?

Ozempic is a prescription drug manufactured by Novo Nordisk. The drug’s original intent was to help Type II diabetics control high blood sugar. This type of diabetes is caused by a person’s inability to process glucose because of a lack of insulin.

If not treated, Type II diabetes can lead to serious physical conditions, including heart disease or stroke. Rather surprisingly, Ozempic users hoping to control their diabetes are reporting substantial weight loss. As a result, Ozempic is now widely prescribed off-label as a weight loss aid.

Unfortunately, many patients are now reporting some alarming Ozempic side effects. Some of the worst potential Ozempic side effects include stomach paralysis, gallbladder issues, gallstones, pancreatitis, thyroid cancer, vision loss, and more.

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What are the bad side effects of Ozempic to watch out for?

First, How Does Ozempic Work?

Ozempic was created to help Type II diabetics process sugar by acting as the hormone that increases the production of insulin in the body. The goal is to balance blood sugar levels by stopping excess sugar production in the liver while increasing insulin production in the pancreas.

Ozempic users receive a weekly injection of either 0.5 mg or 1mg. Over time, the dosage may be increased. Initially, many patients lost weight while using Ozempic, so doctors began prescribing the drug “off-label” for weight loss purposes, as we discuss below.

Potential Ozempic Side Effects 

The first of many observed side effects of Ozempic (generically known as Semaglutide) was weight loss. As a result, Novo Nordisk created Wegovy, which is prescribed specifically for weight loss, not for treating Type II diabetes. 

When Ozempic was first introduced, the maker warned about some potential side effects, such as: 

  • Pancreatitis - Inflammation of the pancreas
  • Vision changes - related to nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (NAION)
  • Kidney issues, including kidney failure
  • Allergic reactions

What Are The Bad Side Effects of Ozempic?

Unfortunately we now know that there are substantially more bad Ozempic side effects than first anticipated. Other dangerous Ozempic side effects can include: 

More than 10,000 complaints from Ozempic users have revealed these severe side effects. Most of the initial cases involved gallbladder issues, but lately many users, including celebrities taking this drug for weight loss purposes, have raised awareness about a potential link between Ozempic and stomach paralysis.

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The First Reported Bad Side Effect of Ozempic: Gallbladder Problems

From the start, Ozempic users have reported experiencing gallstones, biliary diseases, and acute gallbladder disease after taking the drug. Researchers think Ozempic may increase cholesterol production, forcing the gallbladder to create more bile to break down excess cholesterol. If cholesterol is too high, the gallbladder can’t control it, and the cholesterol forms hard deposits called gallstones. 

Some small gallstones may dissolve or pass naturally through the body, but with too many gallstones or a large gallstone that won’t pass, the person may require medical intervention. For example, they may develop Cholecystitis if a gallstone or group of gallstones block the bile duct and prevent the release of bile. This condition is often only resolved through surgery.

A large analysis of clinical trials involving Ozempic users was performed. The results indicated an increased risk of gallbladder problems suffered by Ozempic users who used the medication:

  • For weight loss purposes
  • In high doses or 
  • Over a prolonged time

According to Ozempic’s warning labels, clinical studies revealed a dose of 0.5 mg caused Cholelithiasis in 1.5% of participants, while a 1 mg dose caused Cholelithiasis in 0.4% of the participants. A shocking 90 percent of the people who developed these gallbladder problems needed surgery to completely remove their gallbladders. Importantly, none of the study participants who received a placebo injection suffered any Cholelithiasis gallstones.

Read more about the Ozempic Gallstone Lawsuit or Speak to an Ozempic Gallstone Lawyer

Soon, Patients Reported Another Terrible Side Effect of Ozempic: Stomach Paralysis

When someone takes Ozempic, they feel more full for a longer period of time because the drug slows down how quickly food leaves their stomach. These people have fewer urges to eat because the drug also controls a hormone that makes them feel hungry. Without the urge to eat, and when they feel full, people are more likely to eat less and lose weight.

However, these Ozempic side effects can be dangerous. Studies have shown that Ozempic impacts the stomach’s nerves, affecting the rate of digestion and sometimes slowing the process too much. If food stays in the stomach for too long, it can form a solid mass that can lead to nausea, cramping, and vomiting of food eaten several days earlier.

When the stomach muscles slow too much or stop completely, the stomach becomes paralyzed. This condition is called gastroparesis. Sufferers describe ongoing nausea, acid reflux, pain in the stomach and intestines, fullness after small amounts of food, and lack of appetite. 

Now We Know About Even More Bad Ozempic Side Effects to Look For

In an article published by MSN.com, a doctor described several other potential side effects of Ozempic. Some of the other possible bad side effects Ozempic users may experience include:

  • Sarcopenia - the loss of muscle mass
  • Excess stomach air or gas
  • Heartburn
  • Burping
  • Indigestion
  • Fast heart rate
  • Low energy
  • Low blood sugar
  • Fatigue

Other serious but less common Ozempic side effects may include:

  • Pancreatitis
  • Appendicitis
  • Thyroid cancer
  • Decreased kidney function
  • Anaphylaxis - a severe allergic reaction that can be life-threatening
  • Angioedema - a swelling under the skin
  • NAION vision loss - which can cause permanent vision loss or blindness

What Should You Do If You Experience These Serious Ozempic Side Effects?

First, if you have any serious medical concerns after taking any medications, contact your doctor to discuss your options. Explain your symptoms and problems in detail so your doctor can help create the best treatment plan possible for your unique circumstances.

Next, talk to an experienced dangerous drug lawyer. If you suffer financial or other losses as a result of taking Ozempic, you may be eligible to bring an Ozempic lawsuit against Novo Nordisk or other entities that are responsible for your condition and damages. 

A knowledgeable Ozempic gallbladder attorney or Ozempic stomach paralysis lawyer can review your situation and answer any questions you may have about your legal rights. The legal professionals affiliated with Lawsuit Legal News offer free consultations to help you determine your best course of action.

When an innocent consumer is prescribed a drug to help treat a condition, they have the right to believe the drug won’t harm them. Or, if there are known dangerous side effects, the drug maker has an obligation to warn users about the potential dangers so they can make an informed decision before they take the drug. 

If you have any of the severe side effects of Ozempic discussed in this post, you might be able to hold the drug manufacturer responsible for your damages. Reach out to the Lawsuit Legal News team of mass tort lawyers for answers. Complete our online contact form for a free consultation today.

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