Sexual abuse is a horrible and life-altering crime with profound mental and physical consequences for its survivors. Even after the abuse ends, the shame and stigma surrounding sexual abuse can result in deep psychological issues for survivors.
Sexual abuse is never the fault of a survivor, regardless of the circumstances. If you were sexually abused in any manner, you may obtain compensation for your pain and suffering.
Here at Legal Lawsuit News, we have experienced Sexual Abuse Lawyers helping sexual abuse survivors hold their abusers accountable. We take great pride in advocating for victims’ rights and we have obtained significant results for clients throughout Florida and the rest of the country.
To better understand your rights, reach out to Legal Lawsuit News for a free case evaluation.

Don't wait any longer, call 866-535-9515 or submit your case for review today!
Rideshare Sexual Assault Lawsuit Updates
January 4 – MDL at a Standstill Following Ruling from Ninth Circuit
After failing to convince the court to excise the term “sexual assault” from the case name, Uber succeeded in soliciting from the Ninth Circuit a hearing to dismiss the MDL. The rideshare company has long argued that the consolidation of individual lawsuits for pretrial proceedings was inappropriate on account of the diversity of claims, injuries, and applicable laws they pose.
In response to the December ruling from the appeals court, Uber requested a two-month stay for the proceedings of the MDL. At this point in time, neither the recently appointed Plaintiffs’ Steering Committee nor Judge Breyer have responded to Uber’s motion.
Sexual Abuse Statistics

Sexual abuse is a widespread problem that affects individuals of all ages, races, and income levels. It can leave survivors with lasting physical and mental scars that never leave and make it difficult to live a normal life.
No single face represents sexual abuse, and such abuse takes many forms.
Here are some relevant statistics regarding sexual abuse in the United States according to RAINN (Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network):
- An American citizen is sexually abused every 68 seconds. A child is sexually abused every nine seconds.
- Approximately 63,000 children were sexually abused over four years, according to Child Protective Services agencies across the country.
- One in six women and 3 percent of men faced a completed or attempted rape.
- Only 25 out of 1,000 sexual abuse perpetrators will end up in prison.
These startling statistics provide an in-depth overview of the scope of the problem. Survivors of sexual abuse often feel alone and isolated but you can hold your abuser accountable in civil court, even if they are not criminally convicted.
Common Types of Sexual Abuse
Unfortunately, many sexual abuse survivors do not know they were sexually abused. Often, they do not feel the abuse they endured warrants a lawsuit, and many do not understand there are various types of sexual abuse.
Some of the most common types of sexual abuse include:
- Rape is defined as forcible vaginal intercourse with another person. The perpetrator may use violence or the threat of violence to force someone to have intercourse. Rape can result in a felony conviction.
- Sexual battery is using force or the threat of force (intimidation) to sexually abuse another person. This sexual abuse often results in serious bodily injury.
- Sexual assault is the unwanted sexual touching of another person.
- Sexual harassment consists of unwanted sexual advances, as well as inappropriate sexual remarks or jokes.
- Child molestation is sexual activity with a minor.
These are not the only forms of sexual abuse, but they are some of the most common. They can all leave a lasting emotional mark on their victims. Often, survivors experience a marked decrease in their quality of life after sustaining abuse.
Can You Hold Your Abuser Accountable?
If you are a survivor of sexual abuse, you may wonder if you can hold your abuser accountable if they were not convicted in a criminal court.
It is possible. There are two distinct justice systems in the United States – criminal and civil. The criminal justice system gives the prosecutor the power to decide if a person will face criminal charges for a sex crime. A guilty person will face incarceration or other serious penalties.
The other system, the civil justice system, allows sexual abuse survivors to seek financial compensation for their suffering. If a criminal court finds a sexual abuser guilty, it can help a survivor’s civil case, but a successful civil lawsuit does not require a criminal conviction.
Depending on the details of your case, you may seek financial compensation for:
- Physical pain
- Emotional and/or psychological suffering
- Medical expenses
- Lost income
- Any other damages resulting from your abuse
The compensation you can obtain will depend on the unique circumstances of your case. If you are interested in recovering financial damages from your abuser, contact an experienced sexual abuse lawyer. A lawyer can explain what to expect from your suit and help you fully understand your rights as a survivor.
Statute of Limitations
Making the decision to tell others about your sexual abuse can intimidate anyone, and often, recounting the details of your abuse can feel like experiencing it all over again.
Still, our law firm wants you to understand the importance of preserving your rights before the statute of limitations runs out.
Florida, as well as every other state, has a statute of limitations to prevent individuals from indefinitely threatening civil action. They govern how long survivors have to file a lawsuit. Due to Florida statute of limitations laws and their somewhat confusing nature, survivors must call a sex abuse lawyer as soon as possible.
Sexual Abuse of a Child
As a parent, you do everything you can to protect your child. Finding out your child was sexually abused can traumatize you as well as them, and you may not know what steps to take next.

Often, parents feel a combination of anger, guilt, sorrow, and helplessness, but you have legal options to help your child and hold an abuser accountable during this trying time.
Our law firm understands the pain parents of sexually abused children experience, and we take great care to handle all our cases with professionalism, and most importantly, compassion.
The Effects of Childhood Sexual Abuse
Childhood sexual abuse can have a wide range of effects on a person. These effects are often psychological and they can manifest in many ways. Sexual abuse inflicts intense, distressing, and shocking trauma.
The effects of trauma depend on:
- How long the abuse lasted
- The type of abuse sustained
- How close a survivor is to their abuser
- How others reacted to the abuse (trauma is often magnified when others accept or dismiss the abuse)
- Previous trauma
Childhood sexual abuse can impact a person’s well-being in a plethora of ways. It often affects their ability to trust others and develop relationships, and many abuse survivors experience profound self-worth problems.
Some survivors experience intense anger and resentment, and they may resort to self-destructive behaviors, such as drug use and heavy drinking to cope with their trauma. When trauma becomes overwhelming, children may even dissociate and have a hard time remembering the abuse.
Who Can You Hold Responsible for the Sexual Abuse of a Child?
Child sexual abuse can come in many forms. Your child may have suffered abuse at the hands of someone you trust, which can make the experience even more painful.
Depending on the circumstances surrounding your case, you may file suit against any of the parties below if they bear responsibility for your child’s abuse:
- Teachers, school staff members, administrators
- Youth organizations
- Church or clergy members
- Child protective services/foster parents
- Daycare centers
- Employers of any sex abusers who injured your child while performing their jobs
You may also file suit against the parents or guardians of a sexual abuser if they are under 18.
When discussing your case, your lawyer can explain what parties you can hold responsible for the abuse of your child in civil court for their inaction and negligence.
Why Should You Hire a Sexual Abuse Lawyer?
If you are considering filing a legal claim against your abuser, you may wonder why you should not represent yourself.
Simply put, filing a lawsuit is a complicated process, especially if you do not have in-depth legal knowledge or understand court rules and procedures. Do not expect the judge to help you during your proceedings, and more than likely, you will contend with a defendant’s attorney who will more than likely have extensive legal knowledge.
As the plaintiff, you must prove your claims by presenting evidence and assembling a cohesive legal argument. You must know which evidence you can use and which you cannot. You must also know how to raise objections if the other side acts inappropriately. To make matters more difficult, you will have to face your abuser, whose lawyer will cast doubt on your claims.
Fortunately, a sexual abuse lawyer can help you throughout the claims process. We understand the trauma of reliving your sexual abuse on a number of levels, and that is why we always take your mental well-being into consideration.
A lawyer can also navigate court procedures and advocate on your behalf. When you choose us to represent you, you will benefit from a wealth of legal knowledge and experience. Our ultimate goal is to assert your rights and recover the damages you deserve.
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
Sexual harassment is a comprehensive term that refers to inappropriate behaviors in the workplace. According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), sexual harassment consists of unwanted sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and any other unwelcome verbal or physical sexual conduct in the workplace.

Sexual harassment in the workplace is a serious and widespread problem that often leaves victims feeling isolated and powerless. Even after reporting an incident of sexual harassment to human resources, many employees find the inappropriate behavior of their managers or coworkers continues. Reporting your harassment to human resources is a must, but if your employer fails to take action after you do so, you may have grounds for a legal claim.
If someone sexually harasses you in the workplace, you may file suit against your abuser and employer. No one should have to put up with sexual harassment at work, and if your employer fails to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace, you can hold them liable. With the help of our law firm, you may recover damages related to your harassment.
Third-Party Liability
Contrary to popular belief, anyone can experience sexual abuse. Sadly, most perpetrators of sexual abuse are those closest to the victim. These individuals may include family members, close friends, casual acquaintances, intimate partners, and those in trusted positions of authority.
Holding your perpetrator accountable can provide a sense of closure, but depending on your case and the circumstances of your abuse, you may hold a third party accountable as well. For example, if a business or organization’s negligence or failure to protect you resulted in your sexual abuse or assault, you may hold it liable.
If your suit succeeds, you may obtain compensation from both your abuser and the third party who facilitated your abuse. This compensation can help you pay for the healthcare and living expenses you need. Third parties can include school systems, universities, hotels, daycare centers, public transportation operators, employers, and real estate companies.
Contact Legal Lawsuit News
If you experienced any sort of sexual abuse, you may recover financial compensation. Sexual abuse is a traumatic and painful ordeal, and you will need an advocate who can protect your rights while acting with sensitivity and understanding.
No one should have to endure sexual abuse, but if you have, you may hold your abuser liable and reclaim your life. Contact Legal Lawsuit News today to discuss the details of your case with a legal professional.